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Programming Projects

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GetRight Download List Generator(GRDLG)
This utility allows you to generate GRX lists which can be passed to GetRight.
For Microsoft® Windows®  95/98/ME/2000/XP

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SkinnyMix! Mixer is a freeform skinnable volume control replacement for Microsoft® Windows®  95/98/ME/2000/XP

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SkinArranger is a program which allows you to modify SkinnyMix! Mixer skins.
  SkinnyMix! Mixer and SkinArranger both require the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 run-time files (VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe 1.0MB). You will only need to download and install these these once.

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SeeFar Version: 1.02.0045 Beta
(FAR file viewer and object extracting utility for "The Sims" by MAXIS)

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This utility allows the running of scripts to call XAce32.exe and extract your files to a directory of your choice. It will display a defined readme files, Title and default directory. Multiple Icon creation and registry patches are now supported. Sample a script file is included.

Note: This program requires the VB5 runtime files (msvbvm50.exe) and XAce32.exe. You will only need to download and install these these once.

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March 13, 2025